Thursday, September 15, 2011

Great Rush for Brunei Money's

For the past few days, there had been plenty of high profile delegations coming into Brunei. We have Malaysian, Indonesian and Uzbekistan going into great length in trying to woo our government to invest into their respective countries. Whilst at the same time our country also trying very hard to lure in foreigners investing in our country.

I found this to be very amusing. Why?

In one hand, we have foreigners clamoring for our Brunei dollar. On the other, we have our government clamoring for foreign currencies (FDI). It is comical, isn't it?

In any case, who do you think will have a better deal at the end of the day?

I'll give you a hint. Creating Brunei dollar does not involve plundering our resources. In this era, creation of Brunei dollar is mostly digital. That's right, our government create Brunei dollar with few keystrokes on the computer keyboard. The same applies for other countries. They create their money the same way as Brunei did.

Now again, who do you think will have a better deal?