Friday, October 28, 2011

Governmant money or private money - which one is better?

In order for money to come into existence, some entity that have an exclusive right to create money must exist first. Without that there will be no money for the people to save and spend.  In short, for money to exist, it must be created. Whatever creates it has some power over those who do not create it.

So who have that exclusive authority or power? Only Government and bank.

Government create money either physically and digitally. Government have printing machine that can create physical money. At the same time Government also can create money digitally (computer) by crediting her vendors/suppliers bank account.

As for bank, it create money through lending activity to creditworthy customer. All the bank had to do is credit its customer account with the required money. That's about it. And bank does not require her customer deposit first in order to make a loan either. Bank can not create money by printing money. 

With government money, the people have the ability to accumulate wealth without the burden i.e.paying back. With bank money, the people have the ability to accumulate wealth but with the burden of paying back. Failed to do so, you could end up being considered insolvent i.e. made bankrupt.

So, which one is better?