Wednesday, September 14, 2011

iPad for all Brunei students

Read an interesting article in today's Brunei Times. It is about a proposal made by a Houghton Mifflin  Harcourt to our government about adopting iPad based learning.

Further reading can made on this link:

My views that our government should take up that suggestion. The reasons are as follows:
  • Our country can afford to provide iPad to every students in the country.
  • We are exposing our children to computer at an early stage of their education.
  • We are leveraging technology on our education as envisaged in the 2035 vision.
  • Preparing our people for Knowledge Based Economy.
  • Reduce our schoolchildren burden in carrying multiples, heavy textbooks and workbooks to school.
  • Engage the schoolchildren more on learning through its apps creativity.
Hopefully, the government will not take long to decide in embracing such idea.